寄件人Lyndon <lyndon@yuanminan.com.tw>收件人hsu chiunghsin <johnsun.hsu3@gmail.com日期2009年2月10日 下午 3:56主旨RE: 老同學來函
Dear all classmates,
Dear all classmates,
I am writing to inform you that I will be officially starting my new retirement life as of Feb. 11, 2009. Please stop using the current mail address and use the new
e-mail address as below to contact me, also please delete my wife's mail(joy490720@hotmail,com) as we share the same computer at home. lyndonchentw@yahoo.com.tw Thank you very much for your attention.
Best regards,
Lyndon Chen (陳林聲)
寄件者 1970~2008政大第23屆東語系同學會 |