2010年6月2日 星期三

Hotel-Motel Scam (關於旅館的詐術) 周莉音同學提供

Hotel-Motel Scam (關於旅館的詐術)
 你抵達飯店並在櫃檯辦理登記。你給了櫃檯你的信用卡,以 支付房間的所有費用。然後你拿到房間號碼並進入。
有人打電話到櫃檯並要求轉接到( )房號620,而620正好是你入住的房間,你房裡的電話響了。你接起電話,聽到了以下的話:
"這裡是櫃檯。在check in時,我們刷卡時有點問題。請再告知我們一次你的卡號及卡片背面的3個號碼。"
千萬不要告訴這個人任何訊息,儘管這通電話似乎來自櫃檯。事實 上,這個詐騙是來自飯店/櫃台外面。他們只是隨機要求轉接一個房間。
然後詢問信用卡資訊及地址等,對答專業到讓你以為是在跟櫃台的 人講電話。
如果你真的遇到這個情況,告訴打電話的人你會親自到櫃檯釐清所 有問題。然後真的到櫃檯了解情況,如果根本櫃台沒打這通電話,請告知飯店管理人這個案件,詐騙者的所作所為就像出自該飯店 櫃檯。
 You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk.  When checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room).  You get to your room and settle in.
"Someone" calls the front desk and asked for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room). Your phone rings in your room.  You answer and the person on the other end says the following,

"This is the front desk.  When checking in, we came cross a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card." 
Not thinking anything you might give this person your information, since the call seems to come from the front desk.  But actually, it is a scam of someone calling from outside the hotel/front desk.  They ask for a random room number. 
Then, ask you for credit card information and address information. Sounding so professional that you do think you are talking to the front desk. 
If you ever encounter this problem on your vacation, tell the caller that you will be down at the front desk to clear up any problems...  Then, go to the front desk and ask if there was a problem..  If there was none, inform the manager of the hotel that someone called to scam you of your credit card information acting like a front desk employee. 
This was sent by someone who has been duped.......and is still clearing up the mess....
P.S. Please everyone, help spread the word by forwarding this email to everyone you know.. Who knows, you might just help someone avoid a nasty experience.

2012 01 11-12 政大東語系台南古城‧四草綠色隧道 同學會

2012 01 11-12 政大東語系台南古城‧四草綠色隧道 同學會
Subject: 台南旅感懷
To: krmtwn@hotmail.com
From: mikeyu@bes.com.tw
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 09:56:02 +0800
(Embedded image moved to file: pic07487.jpg)
翁 進華 krmtwn@hotmail.com
寄給 mikeyu
