馬齒日增髮漸少 兒女年長催人老 回頭且看來時路 可喜同學皆安好 當年一副青澀狀 如今滿頭白髮霜 何日共飲樽中酒 再效少年皆輕狂 (胡仲慶同學有感)
2008年11月30日 星期日
Whoa! My love, my darling,
I hunger for your touch,
Alone. Lonely time.
And time goes by, so slowly,
And time can do so much,
Are you still mine?
I need your love.
I need your love.
God speed your love to me.
Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea,
To the open arms of the sea.
Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me, wait for me,
I'll be coming home, wait for me.
Whoa! My love, my darling,
I hunger, hunger!, for your love,
For love. Lonely time.
And time goes by, so slowly,
And time can do so much,
Are you still mine?
I need your love.
I need your love.
God speed your love to me.
Message from Wilfred
Welcome to join the Krm Wilfred Akasi Coco’s (KWAC) tour
2008年11月28日 星期五
2008年11月27日 星期四
Message from Chunfang
2008年11月26日 星期三
李 貴霞同學旅韓專輯
李 貴霞 <kueihsia@hotmail.com>收件人johnsun.hsu3@gmail.com 日期2008年11月26日 下午 10:46
Johnsun: Thank you for giving us such a wonderful reunion trip.Hope to join another one very soon.
Best regards,
Message from Chinni (劉琴妮同學)
I am really admired what you have done for those pictures taken during the reunion trip of Korea.
Yes, time flies and we are getting older and smarter .
Wow!!! What a great job!
I am jealous
2008年11月23日 星期日
Dear all,
2008年11月22日 星期六
Dear Wilfred ;
Try to create an album and Nat King Cole & Platter’s songs for you
Sweet holiday!
Hi Johnsun, Thanks very very much for this performance as you know Mr. Nat King Cole is one of the best singer whom I admire with as well as the Platter….. I will keep this issue always, thanks again.
2008年11月21日 星期五
Good evening! Ann,We're flattered again.
陳 立春同學來函
2008年11月18日 星期二
Message from KRM (翁會長進華)
Dear Krm, Ginger;
Message from krm,Ginger (謝景嘉同學)
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 17:50:51 -0800From: ginger_luk@yahoo.comSubject: your photosTo: krmtwn@hotmail.com
Hi! Krm, Thanks again for everything you've done to our Korea Trip. Your family members are so adorable, they are always welcome to any of our gatherings. There were so many hilarious moments captured by your camera, I enjoy your phots very much, but they don't look too clear in John's blog. I wonder whether there are other waysto do, like transfer them to a disc then distribute to us?
2008年11月17日 星期一
Dear Christina, Krm;
i find the way that u did before:
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1970~2008政大第23屆東語系同學會 |
Messages from Christina, Krm
It is grateful you put all of the pictures at one spot for easy browsing.
I have a technical question for your. How can I download the pictures I want to my computer so I can have a print copy as well?
Thank you!
Good morning! John,
We still need your great help to set them up to your blog.
Thanks for your effort with time!
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1970~2008政大第23屆東語系同學會 |
潘 宜宛同學來函
收件人johnsun hsu3 <johnsun.hsu3@gmail.com>
日期2008年11月17日 上午 12:20
大哥:這一次韓國之行,在各位阿姨及多位叔叔的熱情參與下,可謂成功的友誼之行,這可能是一個讓人很難遺望的回憶。 當我回台後,暮然發覺畢業三十四年後,竟在韓國舉辦本系第三十四屆同學會,巧合否?人生能有幾個三十四年?吾等何其有幸。回台後,好幾天腦海裡一直縈繞著學校時候的點點滴滴,又一幕幕的湧現出來,不覺讓人莞爾一笑,讓我體會到:“回憶永遠是美好的 ”。 這一次你無暇參加,錯過此次聚會,希望下次務必撥空參與。
2008年11月16日 星期日
2008年11月15日 星期六
政大第34屆東語系同學會在韓國2008 Korea Reunion Wonderful Journey
Good morning! John,Some more pictures for your blog to share with our dear classmates.This is the last lot 13th part of 13.Thank you again for your time with patience!Happy holiday!
2008年11月14日 星期五
2008年11月13日 星期四
Message from krm
2008年11月12日 星期三
Message from HomDa (王宏達同學)
My skype account is eric.h.wang
Thanks John
HomDa homdawang@yahoo.com
Turkish Section in NCCU specially precious heirloom pictures collected by Ginger
Message from Coco (李玟瑩同學)
每張照片都有濃濃ㄉ友情 每張照片都有開懷ㄉ笑容 謝謝每位同學不吝給我滿滿的關愛 雖然我不是妳們ㄉ同學 可是這五天快樂日子彷彿在夢中好開心 也好感恩因為我的人生有你們相伴 希望我們能很快再相聚 更希望每位同學 身體健康 心想事成
2008年11月10日 星期一
Dear All Guys
Good evening!
Enclosed with this email is the update on our name list(Sheet 1) and reunion fund(Sheet 2) as well. Please just feel free to let me know as soon as you are able if you have any questions.
Thanks and regards
2008 Korea Reunion Trip Photos Chunfang 同學的活動攝影作品
Enclosed are some pictures from reunion trip. I haven't figured out the way to upload to the website. Please be patient. The reunion trip gave me so much happy memories. Thanks to all of you, Akasi, KRM, Coco and Kong and all of my friends. Hope we will have another reunion soon. Take care!
2008年11月9日 星期日
2008 Korea Reunion Trip Photos 請用滑鼠點選紅色網址即可瀏覽吳學嬪同學的活動攝影作品
此次韓國之旅, 在各位的統籌下可謂空前成功, 我很貪心地期待不要後繼無力. 由於本系特殊的'組與組關係', 許多同學在四年間並不相熟. 十分欣慰經過這短短數天, 老同學們竟變成了新朋友, 也令我更盼望下次的相聚. 最後還要衷心地向各位致謝, 沒有你們的熱心, 就不會有如此美好的一個同學會. 祝你們身體健康, 萬事如意.
從照片可以看得出這次相隔34年的同學團聚非常的溫馨,盡興! 這一切應歸功於李宗琦的豪華接待和翁進華一家,孔祥樞, Coco 精心的策劃. 當然, 還有同學們熱烈的參與. 謝謝你們!
p.s. You can download the pictures to your own computer. Right click on the picture http://picasaweb.google.com/christinatom99/HLgDNG# and choose "save picture as..."
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